From a philosophical standpoint, educational institutions need to change their mindset from viewing student mental health as the sole responsibility of the students to seeing it as an essential and legitimate concern and commitment of everyone involved in higher education (including administrators, faculty, and staff). According to Stanley & Manthorpe (2002, p. 30), the entire institution has a "role in prevention, providing support, and in offering a range of opportunities to enable students to participate in higher education."
The college environment is an essential space for the student community to help them in building confidence, form social relationships and feel accepted. Even the most daunting mental health challenges in students’ life can be resolved, with appropriate measures and care taken by the college administration. As the students are in their most impressionable stage of life, the college community plays an integral role in moulding their personality. The kind of relationship they have with their mentors and friends in college shapes their attitudes towards help-seeking behaviour. Colleges integrate a sense of belonging, meaningful relationships with peers, and connectedness that goes a long way in a student’s life and boosts their self-esteem.

It is also important to note that mental health issues are highly prevalent among college students. Students may find life on campus especially challenging because of the demands of the environment and extreme competition. Most students start college right after finishing high school at a young age, and might rely on their parents/guardians for financial support, might not work professionally and possibly experience immense stress from their academic load. In addition, they also might have to assume more adult-like responsibilities, especially if they move to another city even before they are ready. Most outstation students learn to live alone, budget their expenses and take care of themselves. This is an overwhelming experience given their developing cognitive, social and emotional skills. For instance, many typical college students may encounter potentially stressful situations for the first time, such as working professionally, being in serious relationships, or interacting with people who have different cultures and religious beliefs from them.

The majority of mental health issues peak during young adulthood. According to Kessler et al. (2007), 75% of those who will develop a mental health issue by age 25 have already experienced the onset prior to this. Around 11.9% of college students suffer from an anxiety disorder, making it the most common psychiatric condition (Blanco, 2008). The prevalence of depression and suicide among college students is one area that has drawn a lot of attention. Interestingly, anxiety is frequently listed as adults' second most common mental health problem.
Mental Health awareness in colleges can take varied forms - even in the smallest gestures.
Classroom spaces can be more appreciative of diversity and form peer support groups.
Inculcating empathy, encouraging participation, and healthy communication between student-teachers should form the core foundation.
The availability of counselling services in educational institutes can help in improving students' retention, academic performance and also their personal and emotional well-being.
At the institutional level, it's crucial to have the active backing of administration and faculty who are prepared to prioritise and adequately allocate funds for mental health needs and support.
Students should be provided access to mental health resources available on campus. Availability and accessibility of such resources can enhance students’ willingness to seek support for their mental health.
Thus, the college environment plays a crucial role in fostering mental health of the student community. Classrooms can offer a safe space for dialogue amongst students from diverse communities, and also appreciate their efforts. To meet both the demand for services and the needs of students in terms of mental health, counselling centres can provide direct clinical services, consisting of appointments that are more accessible and available right away. The college community provides a foundation for the students before they step out into the professional world. Thus, it is essential to conduct ongoing education, outreach, and advertising campaigns to raise awareness of mental health issues among students and persuade them to use the available services.
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